chloë rasier

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amarena cherry ice cream sandwiches

I don’t have that much of a sweet tooth – Nutella lunatics, be gawn – but there’s something about the sweet and sour taste of amarena cherries that makes me wanna…

So yas, amarena ice cream sandwich make-up it is! Plus: no churn ice cream so no ice cream machine needed!

These make large 8 x 8 cm sandwiches rather fit for a snack than for dessert after a copious meal - but you can of course make smaller sized ones. Best is to measure the tin you’ll be using to freeze the ice cream, divide that into squares (or rectangles, or go illuminati insane on triangles) and adjust the size of your cookies to those measurements. You need to be able to quickly cut your ice cream to the right portions if you don’t want to make a total mess.



For 8 large (8 x 8 cm) sandwiches

Ice cream:

  • 300g icing sugar

  • 900 ml heavy cream

  • Amarene cherries on syrup (350g cherries, 320 ml syrup)

  • 3 limes


  • 200g butter, cubed

  • 100g icing sugar

  • 1t of almond essence

  • 300g flour, plus extra for dusting

+ baking tin and enough space in your fridge



Shortbread: Mix butter, icing sugar and almond essence until combined. Add the flour and rub the mix together with your hands until it combines to a dough. Flour your working surface well (and your rolling pin) and roll out to about 3mm thick. Cut into sixteen squares of about 8 x 8 cm (or another shape according to the measurements of your ice cream tin). Preheat the oven to 180°C, place the squares on a lined baking tray and bake for 10 to 12 minutes (until lightly golden). Cool on a wire rack.

Ice cream: Start by whisking together icing sugar, cream, 300 ml syrup and the juice of two limes by hand in the bowl of a standing mixer and taste. Add syrup and lime juice if necessary (I used another half of a lime); you should get a good sour kick and taste the cherries. Whisk this with a standing mixer until you get soft peaks. Chop about 60 amarena cherries (350g) and gently fold those into the mixture. Scoop this into a correctly sized recipient (according to the measurements of your cookies) lined with cling film. Cover with cling film and let freeze overnight.

Assemble: Flip your ice cream container onto a cutting board. Cut the ice cream into eight 8cm x 8cm squares (or the other size you were going for) and sandwich between two biscuits. Now smear all over your face whilst lazy ass dabbing at half-time.


no churn amarena cherry ice cream sandwiches


P.S: Caddywhompus was kind of my jam this weekend