chloë rasier

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I made a zine...

I wanted to share my favorite vegan recipes with friends (because I’ve learned that the unloved is often just the unknown). But it exploded and became a zine.

100% the most fun thing I've done in a while. I learned about cutting lino and block printing, about illustrating with very poor illustration skills. I totally challenged the limits of what a word processing software - and, again, my limited skills - can do. I cheered for imperfection. I learned about paper and saddle stitching booklets. How repetitive work causes pain in the body and how I am lucky and privileged to have a job that probably won't cause any injuries any time soon.

And of course I learned more about veganism and how our idea of massive meat consumption is linked to the - spoiler alert: arrogant, hubristic - position we humans believe we're entitled to in this ecosystem that is our planet. How it is a feminist thing to think about. And I'm not even vegan. Not to mention the connection you feel thinking of your friends and what they might (not) like to read, the time slowed down for thinking, reading and producing... Bref: I highly recommend (zine)making for friends. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.